Big Noise

Publié le par Brigitte Bonidon

Big noise

I was living in a bungalow

In a village next to Chicago

And sometimes in the evening

Outside, fed up, I was crying

I will never forget, that night

I heard a noise around midnight

I ran quickly to discover

What could be this noise over there?

That big noise came from Winnetka

Such a wonderful nostalgia

Unusual and heady topic

Amazing and loud music

Bob and Ray were so desperate

They were in an unusual state

And they created that music

Hey! Since that I sing, sing, on it!

More and more people were arriving

And we were all moving, dancing,

On that sweet and happy music

We were feeling so enthusiastic!

One of the men was playing drums

And the other one double bass

Was whistling and enjoying;

They were so pleased giving…


It was feeling like (to be) in a dream

They were a gorgeous and nice team

Thanks to them, I sang all night long

And they carried my soul beyond

That music (is) a good medication

Better than prayers (or) meditation

That music has improved my life

This music has improved our lives…

Brigitte Bonidon, 10 février 2014

Publié dans En anglais

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